BIM is a process using digital model for the project design, construction and operation, and is a technological innovation of building design and construction. Its characteristic is establishing and using coordinated, internally consistent, computing and query data for projects under the design or construction.
超前設計圖紙會審 Design review
? 能夠及早發(fā)現設計錯誤,做到事前設計聯絡。
? 三維管線的碰撞檢查可避免傳統(tǒng)二維設計圖紙會審帶來的人為失誤。
? It can find the design errors as soon as possible, and make design liaison beforehand.
? Collision detection for the 3D pipeline can avoid the human error occurring to the traditional 2D design drawings reviewing.
可視化模擬并優(yōu)化 Visual model
? 實現可視化模擬施工,多專業(yè)協(xié)同、調整、修改,確保方案可行、安全
? It can realize the visualize simulated construction, multi-disciplinary collaboration, adjustment, modification, ensuring that the scheme is feasible and safe.
材料統(tǒng)計 Material Calculation
? 利用BIM模型進行施工材料的計算與統(tǒng)計,形成材料明細表,控制采購量和消耗量。
? Use BIM models for the calculation of construction materials, and form the list of the amount of materials, to control purchases and consumptions.
直觀形象進度管理 Process Control
? 更加直觀、形象地協(xié)調各專業(yè)施工進度,提高效率,降低成本。
? Coordinate the professional construction schedule more intuitively and vividly, and it can improve efficiency and reduce cost.
工廠預制提高效率 Efficiency enhancement
? 減少現場加工量,盡量實現工廠預制,提高生產效率、降低勞動力成本。
? Reduce scene processing capacity, and realize the factory prefabrication, so that we can improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs.
虛實對比 Quality Control
? 通過BIM模型與實體的對比,及時發(fā)現施工質量瑕疵。
? By making comparison of the BIM model and the substance, we can find the defects of construction quality as soon as possible.
竣工模型增值服務 Value add-on service
? 創(chuàng)建與實際建筑物一致的竣工模型,便于施工方的售后維修服務及業(yè)主今后的運營維護,提供增值服務,提升工程總承包能力。
? Creating a completion model identical to the actual buildings, which is convenient to after-sales maintenance services of the constructor and the future operation and maintenance of the property owners, providing value-added services and enhancing the total project contracting capabilities.
建立完整數據檔案 Complete data base
? 建立一個結構合理、安全可靠的企業(yè)數據倉庫,與智能化控制系統(tǒng)進行聯網,打造“數字企業(yè)”,為城市信息化建設打下基礎。
? Establishing a enterprise data warehouse which possesses reasonable structure, at the same time is reliable and secure. Make networks with intelligent control system ,create “digital enterprise”, and lay the foundation for the city informatization construction.